I had never had any formal training with MOODLE (nor Claroline), but I happen to be the de facto system adminitrator of both MMA LMS (Learning Management Systems — MOODLE & Claroline). That’s why I was very happy when I received an email invite from CSB’s CLCIR about their Online Teaching Seminar Workshop, and immediately signed-up for the first batch, which started today and will run until the last Saturday of this month. I got so excited with the seminar, that I managed to upgrade my current MOODLE installation from version 1.8 to 1.9.2 last night — this was planned months ago, but never found time to do it.
I was surprised to see that the seminar workshop facilitator is Mr. Tony Ingles, a fellow CSB faculty (SMS) and a TurfSitePH.net client — we had been communicating for such a long time (mostly via email), and today was the first time we had met face-to-face. Also, Ferdy Raymundo is my classmate for this seminar series.
Of all the many beautiful things I learned from Tony this morning, one thing got stucked into my mind: “MOODLE was created by genius people, for stupid people.” So true! MOODLE was beautifuly designed and executed that it is so fool-proof and complete (magalit na ang mga loyal sa Claroline). The seminar was designed for first time MOODLE users/teachers — being teachers, we got to experience how to become a student in MOODLE. We were asked to play around with stuff that you can do in MOODLE, and the first thing I did was to edit my profile — I actually added my pic there. Come the time Tony showed us what a teacher see’s in the MOODLE, my classmates were surprised to see my face beside my name .. hehehe .. I am really looking forward to our next session.
Oh, another thing that made me happy this morning, the seminar workshop was done at B308 — all of the PCs are running Linux