Systems Plus Computer College (Quezon City Campus) tapped my services to conduct a multi-day training for MOODLE Administration to representatives from the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan.
MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free and open-source learning management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License.

The multi-day training was divided into two (02) major parts: MOODLE Site Installation & Administration; and MOODLE for Teachers. Tashi will act as the MOODLE Administrator for the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan, while Deki will be the point-person from the academe when both of them returns to their home country before Christmas. The course outline includes:
- Introduction to MOODLE
- Installing MOODLE
- Managing MOODLE
- Managing Courses in MOODLE
- Content Management in MOODLE
- MOODLE Mobile
Thank you very much to Systems Plus Computer College for trusting me to share my knowledge about MOODLE to our friends from the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan. I do hope that they will be able to propagate the use of MOODLE and FOSS in their country.