I was tasked to play the Clavinova during the 10PM Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at our parish last Saturday, 24 DEC 2011. While waiting for the 8PM mass to finish, I took out my camera and made several façade shots of the church, the bell tower, and the Parish Center. What caught my attention in clicking shots of the Parish Center is the fact that the priests left the convent’s chandelier lit (on) and flood lights directed towards the church reflect on the five-storey building. Here’s the first shot I took of the convent (top most floor) of the Parish Center (zoom not applied):
Then here’s the other shot with zoom applied (I made an err of not setting the ISO to 3600):
To my surprise just last night (the 26th) while viewing all of the photos I took during the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was the faint silhouette of a person that appeared beside the window of the convent. I swear, there was nobody there when I took the shots (and to know that all of the priests are downstairs busy preparing for the Vigil Mass).
Is there really a ghost at our Parish Center, particularly at the convent?