All roads (flights, actually) lead to Hanoi, Vietnam as the Mozilla Localization Team hosted a Meetup/Workshop for Mozillian Localizers from Southeast Asia on the weekend of 17 to 18 November. The delegation from Mozilla Philippines (MozillaPH) is composed of Kemuel Domanog (from the province of Laguna), Amiel Pastor (based in Bacolod City), and myself. Our journey to the Hanoi Meetup started in the morning of Friday, 16 November 2018 with the first leg of our trip, Manila to Hong Kong via Cathay Pacific Airways (CX).
The annual gathering of Mozillians who are active in the Localization efforts of the organization aims at fostering camaraderie, sharing best experiences, and to hear updates from the leadership of the team.
For the Filipino/Tagalog Team, these goals were set prior to the weekend:
- To check the Style Guide for Filipino/Tagalog if there are items that need to be updated, removed or if there is a need to add other things to it.
- To create a playbook for new localizers.
- Think of ways to attract tech-oriented localizers or people who have some technical background who may be interested in localizing Mozilla.
- To improve the quality of mini events.
- To make a clear plan and commitment to release Firefox desktop.
Some of the plans that were drawn over the weekend:
- To continuously update the TL Style Guide.
- To add a list of commonly used Access Keys for Filipino/Tagalog translation.
- To capitalize on the planned move by the government in no longer requiring Filipino subjects in tertiary (college) level.
- Creation of a MOODLE Server to serve as a training and onboarding tool for both new and seasoned Filipino localizers.
- To review the Rewards System for localizers via badges (physical badges or otherwise).
- Check on the different MozillaPH Localization Team communication channels:
- Facebook Group
- Slack (to sign-up, please go to https://mozillaphl10n.herokuapp.com)
- Is there a need to have a MozillaPH L10n Mailing List?
Some of the suggestions we raised:
- To have a comment feature in Pontoon so that localization managers will be able to convey more effective constructive criticisms on suggestions submitted.
- To have a Vote Up and Vote Down button in Pontoon for localization managers to make better and sound decisions when approving suggested translations.
Real work starts now. We plan in taking advantage of the Christmas break and perhaps host an online or physical meetup soon. Be part of the Mozilla Philippines Localization Team. Please feel free to drop us a line via info@mozillaphilippines.org, or via the Mozilla Philippines Community FB Page. You may also sign-up via http://join.mozillaph.org.