Foreword: I am sure a lot will be happy with this tip (especially my students then and now).
Ever wanted to use two (or even more) Yahoo!Messenger IDs at the same time? With the current setup of your Y!M, it is simply impossible. Now, with having to install an add-on or third-party software, you may actually login to multiple Y!M IDs at the same time:
1. Go to the Start Menu and click on Run…
2. Type regedit {Enter} and the Windows Registry Editor will be activated.
3. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >> Yahoo >> Pager >> Test
4. On the right pane of the Registry Editor, right-click and select New >> DWORD Value
5. Name the new value as Plural.
6. Double click Plural and enter the value 1. Close the Registry Editor.
Launch Yahoo!Messenger, login to your account. If you want to login with another Y!M account, simply launch another instance of Y!M.
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fabulous one, please share any other tricks like this with me
great way to go
cool trick……
Hey.. Thanks for the info. I use trillian as well as pidgin. Both allow multiple logins to multiple messangers all at once.